How to access and export passwords stored in Safari on macOS

MacOS provides users with powerful tools for maintaining security and efficiently accessing personal information. If you are a Mac user and use Safari as your primary browser, in this tutorial you will see two methods by which you can access or export passwords stored in Safari on macOS.

Există numeroase aplicații disponibile pentru stocarea securizată a parolelor tale, dar pentru utilizatorii de Mac, abordarea cea mai înțeleaptă este să-și gestioneze parolele în Safari și în Keychain Access. Acestă opțiune oferă beneficii semnificative, deoarece, în conformitate cu riguroasele standarde de securitate impuse de Apple, parolele pot fi accesate și sincronizate pe toate dispozitivele tale Apple – fie că este vorba de iPhone, Mac sau iPad – atâta timp cât acestea sunt conectate la același cont Apple/iCloud și opțiunea de sincronizare a parolelor este activată. Alegând să utilizezi Passwords & Keychain, beneficiezi nu doar de securitatea robustă a platformei Apple, ci și de o experiență fluidă și unificată în gestionarea și accesarea parolelor tale pe întreaga gamă de dispozitive.

How to access stored passwords in Safari on macOS

Pentru accesarea parolelor stocate în browser-ul Safari, nu ai nevoie de cunoștinte avansate. Pe scurt, tot ce trebuie să faci este să accesezi meniul “Safari” > “Preferences” > “Passwords”. De aici vei putea să vizualizezi numele de utilizator și parolele salvate în Safari.

1. In the upper left part of the screen, you will find the menu "Safari", then click on "Preferences“.

2. In the window "Preferences", select the tab "Passwords” (Passwords) from the top row of options. This will allow you to view and manage passwords stored in Safari.

3. You may be required to log in using your user account password on the system Mac to access stored passwords. Make sure you enter the correct password to continue. Authentication can also be done biometrically if you have Apple Watch or Touch ID.

Access Passwords in Safari
Access Passwords in Safari

4. After logging in, In the section "Passwords", you'll see a list of all web addresses for which passwords are stored in Safari. Click on the "i" sign to view your password and username.

Show Account and Password
Show Account and Password

5. In the next box are options to view and edit your saved password. Hover over the dotted password to view it. Click on password to save to clipboard.

How to access and export passwords stored in Safari on macOS
How to access and export passwords stored in Safari on macOS

Also from this screen you have the saved password management options. You can update your password, delete your password, or be redirected to the online password update link (Change Password on Website).

If you have enabled password synchronization with iCloud, the changes made in Passwords in Safari will be mirrored across all your devices Apple. iPhone, iPad, MacBook.

How do you export saved passwords in Safari on macOS?

Exporting passwords saved in Safari on macOS is a simple process, but you need to be careful when using this option, as passwords will be saved unencrypted in a CSV file. Anyone who opens this file will be able to view all saved credentials.

It is essential that you handle the exported file carefully to ensure the security of your information.

1. Access from the top bar of your browser Safari: File > Export > Passwords.

Export Safari Passwords
Exposet Safari Passwords

2. If you are not already logged in, enter your user account password on Mac to access stored passwords.

3. Save the file CSV with passwords stored in the browser Safari on Mac.

With these steps, you have successfully exported your saved passwords in Safari on macOS. The export file can now be used for backup or to import the passwords into another application or service if needed.

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