What is monoatomic gold and where is it?

There have been some statements in the public space that there are rare metals, such as monoatomic gold, which do not even appear in the periodic table (or Mendeleev's periodic table), but which are abundant in countries such as Romania. Is it true that in Romania there are monoatomic gold resources? Let's see what this metal is and where it could exist.

What is monoatomic gold?

More likely, monoatomic gold does not exist, but it is more hasty the subject of conspiracy theories or a pseudo-scientific concept that claims that certain metals, including gold, can exist in a singular atomic state. Of course, as the singular atomic state would not be interested in the ordinary mortal, it is said that monoatomic gold also has some unique properties and alleged extraordinary benefits.

In reality, from a scientific point of view, the existence of monoatomic gold in the form described by its supporters is not confirmed. There is no solid scientific evidence to support statements related to the extraordinary properties of this material. Many researchers believe that the idea of ​​monoatomic gold is a modern myth, popularized by David Hudson in the 1980s than a demonstrated physical reality.

Why is there no clear evidence?

First of all, it's about atomic stability. Gold is a noble metal, and under normal conditions, its atoms prefer to bind between them to form metal structures. A pure monoatomic form would be extremely unstable and tend to rebell. Although there are research on monoatomic elements in areas such as quantum chemistry and overconductivity, monoatomic gold has never been isolated and experimentally verified under the conditions described by supporters.

Indeed, there are some materials called metal clusters or nanoparticles, which can contain gold in special forms, but these are not the same as "monoatomic gold" in esoteric theories. Also, colloidal gold is used in medicine and technology, but it does not have the fantastic properties attributed to monoatomic gold.

Monoatomic gold. Features and supposed properties

The supporters of the idea believe that monoatomic gold could have beneficial health, including cell regeneration, improvement of cognitive functions and extension of consciousness.

Also, other theories say that this monoatomic form of gold would have exceptional properties, including overconductivity, magnetic levitation and the ability to interact with the energy fields of the human body.

Some theories claim that this type of gold was used in the past by advanced civilizations such as the Egyptians or Sumerians, being mentioned in ancient texts as "white gold" or "manna".

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The monoatomic gold, also known as ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements) Or white gold, it is a theoretical form of gold in which the atoms are not connected between them in metal structures, but exist separately, as individual entities. This is a completely different state from the ordinary metal gold, but it is a state present only in some theories, not in reality. Until this hour, this form of gold exists only in conspiracy theories.

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